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Alex Ackerley
May 18, 2017
Stability Twist - Quick Golf Warmup 5/7
Here's exercise number 5/7. The Stability Twist. No clubs to balance now, just our own two feet. Take an athletic stance with feet about...
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Alex Ackerley
May 12, 2017
Quick Golf Warmup 2/7
I always get asked by my Golfers which exercises they should do before they start hitting balls... So I thought I'd make a little video...
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Alex Ackerley
May 11, 2017
Quick Golf Warmup 3/7
I always get asked by my Golfers which exercises they should do before they start hitting balls... So I thought I'd make a little video...
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Alex Ackerley
May 11, 2017
Quick Golf Warmup 1/7
I always get asked by my Golfers which exercises they should do before they start hitting balls... So I thought I'd make a little video...
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